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Environmental essay

Environmental essay

Essay on Environment: Examples & Tips,Human Impact On Environment Video

WebEnvironment Essay + Words Essay on Environment. Every year, on the 5th of June, we all celebrate World Environment Day. All living Importance of Environment. WebJan 23,  · An environmental essay is said to be top-rated only if it Highlights possible measures of ecological conservation. Offers a valid solution to environmental problems. WebThe living environment can be defined as an assembly of the natural and man-made environment. It includes the surroundings or conditions in which people, animals or WebThe maintenance of healthy environments as well as ecosystems is a source of important goods as well as services to the human kind as well as the rest of the organisms. Human ... read more

Some vital resources have been exhausted due to the extensive and intensive use of renewable and non-renewable resources. Our environment is also disturbed by the extinction of resources and the rapidly rising population. The waste generated by the developed world is beyond the absorptive capacity of the environment. So, the development process resulted in environmental pollution, water, and the atmosphere, ultimately harming the water and air quality. It has also resulted in an increased incidence of respiratory and water-borne diseases. To conclude, we can say that it is the environment that is keeping us alive. Besides, what the environment has done for us, we only have damaged and degraded it.

It will help students to get good marks in their exams. The first step is to change our mindset and stop littering public places. Take steps to reduce plastic usage as it is one of the biggest threats to our environment. At all costs, avoid pollution of water, soil, and air. Human beings derive most of their daily needs from the environment. Moreover, environmental pollution can lead to increased risk of diseases, illness. Over-usage of environmental and natural resources, reduction in environmental protection, destruction of natural resources are the main reasons for environmental pollution. Your Mobile number and Email id will not be published. Request OTP on Voice Call. Post Comment. CBSE Essays Essay On Environment. Frequently Asked Questions on Environment Essay How can we protect the environment around us?

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It is adversely affecting physical and mental health of humans. It has negatively affected our daily lives. We are suffering socially, economically, emotionally and intellectually. Environmental contaminants have spread deadly diseases. The whole world is facing the issues caused by the loss of natural environment. Our environment is being polluted due to industrial waste. The Agricultural waste, increasing population, smoke of vehicles, use of plastic, fossil fuel combustion. Environmental degradation is the issue of the whole world. If this problem is not addressed properly it will cause loss of life. The excessive use of fuels to meet our needs is killing our environment and its components like air and water.

Many air and water borne diseases are on the rise. The health is at risk. Acid rain causes damage of plants and animals. It also affects aquatic life. Our environment provides us all basic and essential ingredients of life. All natural components of our environment are vitally important. Modernization and development has caused sharp increase in environmental degradation. The quality of natural components is at risk. It is decreasing with a rapid pace. Urbanization and deforestation contribute more in environmental pollution. It is believed that the environment is the source of survival. All components of environment are our basic needs. Destruction of environment is akin to death of all life forms on this planet earth.

Our lives are entirely built on our natural environment. We must not change natural environment into an artificial one. The environment consists of living and non living components. In the broader sense both living and non-living are interdependent. There is a strong bond of attraction between all elements of environment. Though air, water and soil are the non-living parts but all living forms depend on these things. The survival of living organisms is based on all what exist in environment. All natural components are the real beauty of environment.

As trees which are called the green cover of the surface of the earth. They purify air and provide oxygen for the survival of animals and humans. Nowadays we humans are not mindful enough to understand how, what and why we are consuming the natural resources and wasting non-renewable resources of environment. We are killing the natural components of environment which boost life on earth, Behind the damage caused in environment, is the grave human involvement. Hardly any damage is natural. We are abusing our environment which provides us food and shelter. The whole body of flora and fauna which constitute our natural ecosystem and make our environment beautiful are interwoven. Plants are the only producers on the surface of earth.

All animals get their food from plants. Even human consume plants directly and eat animals which are dependent on plants. We human are merely consumers. We depend on environment to live. We can not imagine life without the natural resources present in our environment. Our life would be lost if we will degrade environment and misuse the natural resources. We can not afford destroying our environment in the name of industrialization and urbanization. Plants and trees are the home of many species of birds, forests are the habitat of wildlife. It is entirely unjust to cut down trees and forests.

They are beauty of our environment. People are polluting water bodies in the search of progress. We are constructing manufacturing plants on the banks of life-living rivers whose waste matter is thrown into flowing water. The vehicles and factories emit smoke which pollute air. It is air which gives us life. Human activities has caused a irreparable loss and damage of environment. We should worship our environment and save it from all types of pollution. The environment is the fundamental source of survival on earth. Men has destroyed the natural environment. The environmental degradation has caused several issues and changes in natural ecosystem which are entirely opposite to the promotion of existence. All our basic needs like Air, Water and other resources are the components of environment.

All natural components are mercilessly misused and are being wasted by human. It is right time to recognize the issues that our environment is facing or life will be lost. Most importantly we need to clean and purify the air present in environment. It is air which we breathe in to stay alive. The purification of air is possible when we would stop cutting trees and plant new trees. Trees purify the air and absorb pollutants which degrade the quality of air. Air pollution is the root cause of other environmental issues. Nowadays most of the diseases are airborne.

People are suffering from respiratory ailments and cardiac disorders are caused by contaminants of air. Our environment is suffering from many disorders which are a big threat to the life on earth. Water and soil are also components of our environment. We need to use water wisely and carefully. Wastage of water is too deadly a sin. Misuse of water affects the natural water cycle and cause several issues which tend to affect the life of all living organisms. Everything that is visible to our eyes is part of our environment and is equally important.

Wastage of one component directly or indirectly affects the other components which ultimately degrade the destroy whole environment. All flora and fauna are the beauty of our environment. We need to save these to help sustain the natural charm of environment. Behind progress and development men exploited all natural resources and adulterated the basic components of environment. We have to reduce pollution and reduce consumption and wastage of natural components and recycle and reuse all basic components which are almost lost. To restore the lost beauty of environment we need to work actively. Pollution, global warming and greenhouse gases are a threat to our environment.

These issue need immediate attention. Moreover, handling and fighting with these issues of environment will not only save environment but save life and planet earth. The environment is the basic source of survival for all living organisms on the earth. The concept of life on earth is based on environment and its components. One can not imagine life and existence of all living forms without environment. At present the whole world is facing many environmental issues which leave an indelible mark on the lives of humans and animals. It is believed that all environmental issues are byproduct of over population.

The massive population growth has affected the fabric of environment. The industrial revolution and progress sought to help feed the increasing population has indirectly affected environment. Hence one can believe that deforestation and climate change, the most hanging issues of environment, are caused by the growth in population. The increasing pollution of world is a big threat to environment. The major environmental issues like pollution, global warming and greenhouse gases are caused by untamed activities of humans.

Paper Types. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. The implication of sustainability is the inherent potential for tolerance. In the context of human life, the implication of sustainability is maintaining a fair well-being on a long term basis with regard to the dimensions of environmental, social as well as economic perspectives Bell, , The idea of stewardship in addition to managing the utility of resources in a responsible manner is encompassed in the issues of sustainability. Sustainability has an ecological dimension which addresses the diversity of biological systems and the maintenance of their productivity which is a significant precondition for the well-being of people.

The maintenance of healthy environments as well as ecosystems is a source of important goods as well as services to the human kind as well as the rest of the organisms. Human influence to the ecosystem is an issue that requires proper management. One important approach to achieve this end is through the management of the environment. The achievement of this is facilitated by information accessible from the fields of conservation biology, environmental science as well as earth science. Resources consumption is another alternative approach in management of ecosystem Gottfried, , Human beings should strive towards a sustainable living which is achievable through restricting human activities within the natural or environmental system while at the same time avoiding acts that can inflict harm to others.

This relates to the determination of appropriate sources of food, energy, cloths among other products. Sustainability through recycling has positively impacted on the habits of majority people and this has been reflected on the positive impact on worldwide climate change. A positive impact on global climate change is achieved through recycling Hiss, , The starting point is the local retailer who is encouraged to avail more products that can be recycled. Buying products along with their containers whose materials can be recycled has been a significant step towards promotion of recycled product market.

Products from companies which use chlorine in the process of bleaching paper products results to the creation of dioxin waste and therefore are deliberately avoided. The use of organic foods offers the most reliable solution of eating sustainably. This is an important direction to take in an attempt of achieving environmental sustainability because of a variety of reasons. The local and seasoned foods are associated with several benefits in addition making a positive impact on global climate change. The amount of energy that is allied to the emissions of carbon dioxide arising from the systems of growth as well as transportation of food products is significantly reduced. The economy is supported from the local level and there is a reconnection of the cycles of nature as time progresses.

Eating locally takes account of choosing the types of food closed to the living locality and this is an implication of sustainability. It reduces the time period between harvesting of the food product or its processing to the time of its consumption. A lot of nutrients are lost when a certain food product takes significantly long time between the time of its harvesting to the time of its consumption. Measuring Sustainability. London: Earthscan Pub. Gottfried, David. Greed to Green. CA: Worldbuild Pub. Apple on the Job Training Program, Essay Example. Cost-Effective OJT Program, Essay Example. Need a professionally written Custom Essay? Right now, you can get a professionally written essay in any discipline with a.

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Environmental Sustainability, Essay Example,Reader Interactions

WebThe maintenance of healthy environments as well as ecosystems is a source of important goods as well as services to the human kind as well as the rest of the organisms. Human WebThe living environment can be defined as an assembly of the natural and man-made environment. It includes the surroundings or conditions in which people, animals or WebEnvironment Essay + Words Essay on Environment. Every year, on the 5th of June, we all celebrate World Environment Day. All living Importance of Environment. WebJan 23,  · An environmental essay is said to be top-rated only if it Highlights possible measures of ecological conservation. Offers a valid solution to environmental problems. ... read more

He has been misusing the environment to attain success and prosperity. Environmental degradation is the issue of the whole world. The environmental degradation is the worst issues of these times. length;return t. Environmental degradation is a global issue. stopImmediatePropagation ,e. We are constructing manufacturing plants on the banks of life-living rivers whose waste matter is thrown into flowing water.

To conclude, we can say that it is the environment that is keeping us alive. width :l. deltaY a:t. All of environmental essay should take an oath to protect it as usual to protect our natural environment. append s[1].

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